JHSC Meeting Agenda

Develop and distribute the JHSC meeting agenda a week before the set date. Distribute the agenda to committee members and their respective managers or supervisors to provide both parties with sufficient time to make necessary changes to cover off each workers job. Members should be given ample time to include items under new business prior to a final meeting agenda being set.

The Safety Meeting

The JHSC meeting is an opportunity to:

  • Review the findings from the most recent facility/plant tour
  • Decide on appropriate action
  • Set dates for implementation; and
  • To decide on who will take the necessary corrective action
The committee will report on, and discuss any accident/incident reports that may have been recorded since the last meeting and what, if any, corrective action had been taken. It is important to schedule enough time to conduct a hazard assessment on the accident/incident before the implementation of corrective actions. In some cases the correction will be obvious andsimple and can be implemented in a short time period. In these situations, the problem should be addressed immediately, implementation dates set, and persons made accountable.

Within a week after the meeting, meeting minutes should be drafted and provided to the co-chairs for review. Upon accepting the draft, a copy for distribution is created and signed by both co-chairs. Meeting minutes must include all action steps and the names of those accountable for their implementation. Copies of the meeting minutes should be distributed to all committee members, their immediate manager or supervisor, if any, and senior management. Minutes must also be posted on the health and safety bulletin board for all employees to review.

The committee meeting minutes must be cataloged and retained for future reference in order to prove due diligence among other reasons, but most importantly to be made available should a Ministry of Labour Inspector request a copy for review. Oftentimes an inspector will use the meeting minutes as a benchmark indicator to determine if the committee is functioning as required and may provide feedback for improvements where appropriate.

No action or other proceedings for damages shall be instituted respecting any act done in good faith in the execution or intended execution of a person’s duties under the Act, or intended exercise of a person’s powers under the Act, or for any alleged neglect or default in the execution or performance in good faith of the person’s duties or powers if the person is:

a) an employee of the Ministry;
b) the Board or a labour relations officer; or
c) a health and safety representative or a committee member.